How can collaborative digital tools help students achieve their objectives?

*** Answer Group 3: *** Collaborative digital tools can enrich the students' journey by allowing them to broaden and deepen their knowledge. Moreover, they allow students and teachers to have an advanced pedagogical approach and consequently improve the general culture of each one. And more practical, with the collaborative digital tools, we benefit from overtime hours outside class.

Réponse Groupe 3: Les outils digitaux collaboratifs peuvent enrichir le parcours des étudiants en lui permettant élargir et d'approfondir ses connaissances. De plus ils permettent aux étudiants et aux professeurs d'avoir une approche pédagogique avancée et par conséquent améliorer la culture générale de chacun. Et plus pratique, avec les outils digitaux collaboratifs, on bénéficie d'heures supplémentaires en dehors des heures de cours.

Highlighted by [email protected]
on Sept. 4, 2017, 5:21 p.m.

Collaborative digital tools can be beneficial to the enrichment of the students' itinerary insofar as they have the possibility of exchanging ideas through the digital platform with other students or professors (having more experience) through The world which will allow them to have different points of view in relation to each problem encountered.

Les outils digitaux collaboratifs peuvent etre benefiques quant a l'enrichissement du parcours des etudiants dans la mesure ou ils ont la possibilite d'echanger des idees a travers la plateforme digitale avec d'autres étudiants ou professeurs (ayant plus d'experiences) à travers le monde ce qui leur permettras d'avoir des points de vue différents par rapport à chaque problemes rencontrés.

Highlighted by [email protected]
on July 17, 2017, 10:31 a.m.

Through social networks they can provide them with information to develop their knowledge examples: create sets of questions about the platform so that we can attract the attention of students (group N ° 4)

A travers les réseaux sociaux ont peut leur fournir des informations pour développer leur connaissances exemples: créer des jeux de questions concernant la plateforme pour qu'on puisse attirer l'attention des étudiants (groupe N°4)


Digital communication is first and foremost the numeration of information media. Collaborative digital tools will revolutionize our way of studying by facilitating our research, by providing clear and precise answers by professionals who master the subjects, this will save us time in our understanding of Internet searches. Thanks to this solution we could have project ideas and with their help putting up projects. (Group 1)

La comunication digital c'est dabord la numération des supports d'information. Les outils digitaux collaboratifs vont revolutionner notre maniére d'étudier en faciltant nos recherches, en nous procurant des reponses claires et précises par des professionnels qui maitrisent les sujets, cela nous permettra d'économiser du temps dans notre compréhension de recherches sur internet. Grace à cette solution nous pourrions avoir des idées de projets et avec leurs aide mettre des pojets en place. (groupe 1)


Collaborative digital tools are a great way for students to interact with their teachers, and for students to interact with students too as collaborative learning in itself is a great way for individuals to absorb information, and to learn from others.

If we think about real-life as oppose to digital learning, debates and discussions fuel the mind to think deeply about any given topic. It allows people to argue strongly for what they believe in which really helps every person present to understand both sides of a story, both sides of a topic say. Debating and discussions are key to learning in a lot of subjects whether at university level or school - for example politics, ethics or even English Literature.

Therefore in the digital age, where people are taking part in e-learning, be it a simple lesson or a whole course - surely it is important that multiple students, or students and a teacher can be connected and debate/discuss/learn at the same time.


Collaborative work is brilliant in any situation, such as a traditional classroom or office - Like when you’re told to split into groups to solve a task and present your findings to the whole class afterwards. Working with other people sparks ideas and makes you consider viewpoints you hadn’t originally. In addition, people have different personality types and ways to approach a problem, and the commingling of different skills can make the end result more effective. For example, one person could be very organised, and help to design a timescale to do the work in. Another may be a leader and good at delegating tasks to group members so that the work gets done efficiently. Another might be very creative and come up with lots of ideas, and one more could be practical and start thinking about how those ideas might be realised. if they were on their own, those people might not get the work done at all - the creative person might not know how to actually put those ideas into practice, and the organised person might not have many fresh new ideas, etc. All of that transfers into the digital world, because you don’t have to be in a room with someone to collaborate. Tools like messenger, Skype and shared worksheets make it easy.


As long as development of digital tools (generally in the global North) is not an excuse to claim credit for investing in development, when the poorest lacking education don't get to see any benefit ...


AS we kown,collaborative digital tools is helpful for students. Such as electric dictionary, that can save you searching words time than paper dictionary,it means that you have more time to do other things the be good for achieveing your objectives.
