Improveo gives users privacy and sharing restriction features that they can utilize to customize their debate/sharing/contribution experiences with the audiences of their choosing. In other words, the platform is different than Moodle, since it isn't software that houses specific courses and also different from Quora, since it is more personalized for learning environments and not completely open to the general public. Improveo is the best of both worlds- its works like Quora but can be more personalized by educators to be used as a classroom tool for private discussions, collaborative assignments and even cross-university debates. Its features also lets question developers assign discussion moderators and reward systems. Like Quora, it also gives individuals the freedom to contribute to public topic discussions but also to earn points/rewards for the most popular/constructive answers. A unique feature that Improveo offers is the ability for students to create their own knowledge textbooks from discussions on the platform.

Added: Sept. 7, 2017, 7:34 p.m. Last change: Dec. 21, 2017, 9:59 a.m.

Comments: 1

Ironic that such a platform has no spell check functionality
PPHF 7 years, 1 month ago