Is my university supposed to pay for Improveo? How much?
Alexas_Fotas / pixabay
No- using Improveo is completely free. Currently, Improveo is looking to refine its features and expand on its mission and is therefore primarily focused on growing its network of users. That is to say that service cost may become a part of a mission in the future, but momentarily, its mission of open debate, learning and active understanding of world issues is the primary objective.
No, your university does not pay, Improveo is free. In the future Improveo may add extra features that will require payment to let us expand on our future plans but right now, all features on Improveo are available for free and our current plan is to have a platform for open international discussions to help solve issues that are important in our society.
All current functionality on Improveo (as of Oct 2, 2017) is free and ideally should remain free when used in a limited way.
We're developing new functionalities to make education more effective and are looking for a revenue model which would be attractive for universities and other partners. As a Socratic platform, we prefer to ask what might be convenient and fair in our partner's opinion rather than expect anyone would pay for a new unknown platform.
We do need revenues and wish to create rewarding and transparent work opportunities. Mission without material backing is not fair. is operated by a non-profit association (Problemondo, z.s., registered in Prague, CZ) and all the costs are covered by our savings and time. We have gained no grants or external support and are open to investments and transformation to enable quicker and sustainable growth.
At the moment, our goal is a great usability and value for teachers, students and their universities. We have no intention to ask you to test and charge now.
FAQ: Improveo for Universities
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