What do you suggest to improve on Improveo?

Enable exchange of information in several languages ​​at the same time.

Umožnit výměnu informací v několika jazycích zároveň.


I think when browsing questions there should be a button/link to adding a question in current category&location - it will redirect to new question form with selected location and category.


I think simply making people understand what Improveo does and how it can benefit them is something we need to improve and test. There are a lot of features, that need to be explained but not in a way that will overwhelm the visitor.

Creating a good onboarding experience including maybe a short video under 30 seconds (audio not required) to explain how you can use the platform and get started.


I think the UX (user experience) in terms of content and visualization is still lacking. I do think we should concentrate on creating a well-functioning platform first, but it would be nice to start figuring out some ways to add to the on-boarding experience down the line. I agree with Philadelphia about creating a short video that explains the platform and placing it directly on the landing page. Visuals are highly important when introducing a new product and keeping the potential user's interest (especially students)...most people are conditioned by social media to respond favorably to the video/graphics format. I would also try to streamline the platform features to be a bit more intuitive than they are now. I think when we receive our first batch of outreach feedback, we can use it to work out the functionalities further.


There should be a "search" option for topics, within topics, groups and people. Currently it is very difficult to find specific questions.
