I agree with you illegal immigrants are coming to this country to suck us dry. Thank God somebdoy finally admitted the truth. If we got rid of welfare we could get rid of a lot of problems. I understand that there are many people who must be on welfare to survive, but I have some family members who use and abuse the system. You offer them a truck driving job that will pay them 20% more than what they are getting on welfare, and they say no way, why would I do that when I do not even have to work? I agree we have been the policeman of the world for way too long, but we need to finish it quickly and completly. However, I believe we need to continue to fight the drug epidemic in America. Many precious people are dying of overdoses, and if we could get rid of the immigration problem we could get rid of the drug problem in a lot of areas.

Added: Feb. 27, 2019, 11 p.m. Last change: Feb. 27, 2019, 11 p.m.

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