Yes, taxing Mexican remittances could help fund a small portion of the US-Mexico border wall. The projected price tag to build the 1,250-mile wall is $21.6 billion. President Trump formerly asked the Mexican government to pay a one-time lump sum of $5-$10 billion toward the building of the border wall, their response was a flat “No”. In retort, President Trump indicated he would then tax the annual cash flow of billions of dollars sent to Mexico families from their working family members and friends in the US. Since 2005, the average cash flow in remittance from the US to Mexico is $25 billion a year. Taxing this amount would create a projected $10 billion annual to fund the wall. This quantity however is only based on official money transferred through formal banking channels. There are no figures available on the unofficial money transfers, therefore the $25 billion ought to be considered a gross underestimate. Informal remittance channels are widespread and used not only by illegal but legal immigrants as well. If President Trump does succeed in convincing Congress to pass a law taxing Mexican remittance, it would not be unexpected to see the official money transfer remittance cash flow plunge significantly.

Added: Feb. 5, 2018, 10:05 p.m. Last change: Feb. 5, 2018, 10:05 p.m.

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