The one in the unit with the best motor sergeant.

ANY tank, regardless of its age, nomenclature or owning nation, is an unreliable piece of crap. The things weigh over 100,000 pounds and they run over the worst terrain imaginable, so they shake to pieces. ALL of them do this. If you were to look at an armor company’s weekly training schedule, you’d soon learn there are 40 hours of training time in a week…five of which are “training” and the other 35 are spent repairing the tank. There’s a reggae song “Smoke Two Joints.” If you were to write an Army version of this song it would go..

I fix the tank in the morning, I fix the tank at night. I fix the tank in the afternoon, It makes me feel all right. I fix the tank in time of peace, And fix it in time of war. I fix the tank before I fix the tank, And then I fix it some more.

Any tank in the world can, with the proper tactics, kill any other tank in the world. Given that, the tank with the best “overall battle readiness” is the one that’s in the best maintenance program - and that, fine sir, all comes down to the unit’s motor sergeant.

Added: May 14, 2017, 2:55 p.m. Last change: May 14, 2017, 2:55 p.m.

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