Should over populated countries implement policies similar to the China one child policy?

China implemented the one child policy in the 1970s to control their rising population. It meant families could only have one child. I disagree with this as a method of controlling a rising population as it seems controlling, and taking away the right of choice we have as humans. The one child policy in China brought with it its own problems which I would not want to see replicated anywhere else as a result of adopting the policy. The main concern with replicating a policy like this, is what happens to those who do not follow the policy - either on purpose or accidentally. In China, there were reports of individuals who were pregnant for a second time being forced to have an abortion, and others being sterilised against their will. This is by no means ethical and neither would financial fines burdened on families having more than one child. China now faces new problems as a result of implementing this policy, including an ageing population and too low birth rate.


Well, there are positive as well as negative effects of one child policy also. Population growth is one of the major positive impact, I will not go into the positive impacts rather will focus on the negative ones.

China's one-child policy was successful in nearly halving the fertility rate over the past three decades, but has brought with it a slew of negative side-effects, including a rise in sex-selective abortions and infanticide.

Some other reasons include depression faced by the single child in the house, when there are 2 children, the chances of depression and related issues is less as compared to single child.

Well to put it this way, I believe that for sure we have to control population on this planet and today population is becoming or is already a big issue for us. But forcing people for single child is also not a very good solution.
