Should more be done to introduce renewable energy as the main source?



The best/ most just way would be to enable renewable energy sources to compete on a level playing field ... currently fossil fuel and nuclear energy are subsidised to the hilt (directly & indirectly) so difficult for other sources to compete ...


It is no myth that coal reserves are running out and also that fossil fuels are causing pollution. London has already broken its quota for the amount of pollution in a year early this year, in only a few months. The effects of that were actually felt by many people suffering asthma, heart or lung disease - they literally could not go outside and hospital admissions for people with breathing problems went up. Perhaps it's simply time for the earth to die, or for humans to die out, but personally I would prefer a painless death, not a slow suffocation. So an uptick in "clean", renewable energy sources would be excellent. Electric cars are on the rise and London buses are being switched over into partly using electricity too - electricity which can be generated renewably. Governments should stick to the environmental targets they are set and individuals should be more mindful of the resources they use, too.


I think it should be more effort done in the third world countries . And yes, it is possible to reach 100% renewable energy Yes, it is possible for the forty seven poorest countries in the world to hit one hundred percent renewable energy. It would be possible for the entire planet to reach high levels of renewable energy if there was an effort made. Poorer countries will have an easier time because they are not as energy dependent as wealthier countries. Maybe they can lead the world in this important endeavor.

This is goal presents a great challenge, but we live in a global community with unprecedented shared knowledge and resources. Through their own dedication and with the help of wealthier countries, even the most impoverished nations can overhaul their energy infrastructures.

And today it's very promising and great to know that major comapnies all over the world are committing to 100% renewable, making this goal not too far off for other nations.


It is no secret that fossil fuels are both running out, and having a negative impact on the environment. We have the knowledge and equipment to translate natural energy into power, a process which has a far less, if not no negative effect on the environment and therefore there should be a greater global push to bring renewable energy to the forefront. We have wind turbines across the UK which are a great use of generating energy, and solar panels are on the rise appearing on fields up and down the country. The next big breakthrough appears to be tidal energy, with scientists and researchers coming up with the best and safest way to generate energy from existing crashing waves in our oceans. There's been a shift in society in recent years to champion renewable energy to protect the universe, but we just aren't there yet. There needs to be a greater push globally to make renewable energy the only energy we use as soon as possible.
