I think social media is definitely causing younger people to think more about how they look because they are constantly flicking through photographs of other people, and altered photographs. Apps like Instagram encourage the use of filters on photographs which alter the way an individual looks. Therefore when someone flicks through a Facebook timeline or instagram home page, they see photographs of both strangers and friends with a perfected look. This is dangerous for the younger generation. With young people being surrounded by images of real faces but faces which are altered to look like a perfected version of themselves, they grow up with a view that this perfect look is obtainable. When growing up, young people are vulnerable to peer pressure, with an overwhelming desire to fit in. Therefore surely when they see nothing but perfection, they feel a pressure to gain this fake perfection look - to do what they can to fit in.

Added: May 1, 2017, 11:02 a.m. Last change: May 1, 2017, 11:02 a.m.

Comments: 1

I agree with you 100% , especially how vulnerable young people , everything can easily get to their heads and affect their attitude ,!
profile photo Wafa Benizid 7 years ago