People are unaware of the extent of poverty and what that looks like largely because the media singularly fails to cover it. Poverty comes up from time to time in the news as an emergency story, when aid from the west needs to be shipped in and viewers/readers can contrribute to the effort with charity donations. But the reasons for that poverty are not explored. To a large extent the media still follows the narrative of Live Aid, which was about how white people can 'save' the African poor. In practice the undoubted good will of Live Aid translated into Ethiopia's leader Mengistu investing the millions donated in Russian arms, largely because Bob Geldof's passion to see results happen quickly in practice meant zero accountability about what happened to the money raised. And throwing money at the problem of poverty is not a solution when it's in large part a consequence of deals struck by big corporations and their owners, who - to complete the circle - also have a big say about what gets put in the western media because of their advertising revenues, PR strategists, and informal influence through being on first name terms with politicians and fellow members of the global elite. All of that helps keep poverty a story about disasters, rather than a necessary result of the way big money works on a world scale.

Added: May 2, 2017, 6:24 a.m. Last change: May 2, 2017, 6:24 a.m.

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