Islamophobia according to the dictionary is dislike of or prejudice against Islam or Moslems, especially as a political force. Islamophobia is when Moslems are the victims of attacks just because of their religion. Before 9/11, Islam is just another minor religion in the Western societies. But after the attack of the WTC towers and US invasion to Iraq, people starts to have prejudices about it and some Moslems in the Westers became the victims of these. Moslems are seen as extrimists and practices jihad (the act of combatting enemy) everyday. When in reality, the main jihad in a Moslem is fightiing the enemy within ourselves. Islam itself is a religion of peace and love. The effect of this phobia includes attacks on Moslems and mosques in Western communities, the prohibition of using headscarves in schools and offices, the complication of people with certain names and religion to enter a Western country, and the refusal of some Western countries to accept Islam migrants. But there is a benefit is this phobia, there are more people learning about Islam and even converted to Islam when they find out the beauty of it. Many people think Islamophobia is created when a person doesn't properly understand what Moslems do or believe, and that the best way to combat it is to have a better understanding of Moslems and Islam.

Added: Aug. 20, 2018, 3:57 a.m. Last change: Aug. 20, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

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