I think society failed to eradicate poverty by implementing doomed poverty eliminating policies. State reformers who treat poverty as merely economic problem and provide state welfare to eliminate it,but instead they discourage people in poor areas to get involved in any activities and just spend public funds. This approach would just increase a share of irresponsible people in a society because people would learn that as soon as they are considered poor they would be rewarded by the state. It is important to understand that poor people need to be encouraged and taught to provide for themselves and compete with everyone else. Otherwise they will be misusing welfare money.

Social entrepreneurship and microfinance are great tools helping out to eradicate poverty. According to this approach small teams need to be formed in a community, and through a combination of training, support and a small loan these teams are gradually becoming self-sustainable. Technological development is really helpful in this respect as people from richer countries could establish and implement social entrepreneurship projects in poor regions in other parts of the world with the help of various online tools.

Added: Feb. 14, 2018, 6:11 p.m. Last change: Feb. 14, 2018, 6:11 p.m.

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