A vegan diet isn't inherently healthy or unhealthy - some vegans survive on chip sandwiches and doughnuts, which, although cruelty free, isn't ideal. However, most vegans of my acquaintance are very clued up about nutrition and eat far more vegetables and whole grains than the average non vegan. They have protein all handled through tofu, beans and nuts and its actually quite rare that they have nutritional deficiency - if so, supplements take care of it. Most vegansI know have tonnes of energy, good skin and many mention how "light" they felt after giving up meat. not eating dairy can also be useful for those suffering sinus problems and frequent colds because it lessens mucus production.

Added: May 13, 2017, 5:13 p.m. Last change: May 13, 2017, 5:13 p.m.

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