Is becoming a vegan good or bad for your health?

depends on the person really we are not all alike not all of us can handle the same things


Recent statistics have revealed that the number of vegans in the UK has rocketed by 360% over the past decade. Currently, around half a million over-15s are enjoying a vegetable-only diet. There are certainly benefits, as much of the foodstuffs that are taken - whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes - are very low in fat (especially saturated fats) and do not contain cholesterol. There are huge health benefits from avoiding fats. In addition, vegan diets are high in fibre and other nutrients. However, it is worth underlining the downside to becoming a vegan.

Humans are not omnivorous by chance. Thousands of years of evolution have proved that a mixed diet of animals and plants has worked best. The following nutrients can only be found in meat: Vitamin B12 (a water soluble vitamin involved in the function of every cell, particularly the formation of blood and the functionality of the brain), Vitamin C, Creatine, Carnosine (an antioxidant concentrated in the muscles and brain, Vitamin D3, Docosahexaenoic Acid, Heme-iron, Taurine, and many others.

Animal protein contains amino acids that are extremely important for muscle mass and bone health, and much besides. Vegans don't get animal protein, which can have a detrimental impact on body composition. Carnosine protects the body against degenerative processes, and research is underway to determine the extent to which it may protect against ageing. Even the substances most demonised by vegans - saturated fat and cholesterol - are important for human health. The latter is a fundamental molecule in our bodies and forms part of every cell membrane, while scientific analysis has revealed that saturated fat intake boosts testosterone levels.

There is much debate about whether or not a vegan diet is ultimately good or bad for your health. There is little evidence about vegans having a better longevity. The likelihood is that people choosing to eat a stricter diet are focusing on health aspects, so will be less likely to smoke, and will take more exercise. Given the vitamins present in meat, avoiding animal foods has as many cons as pros.


A vegan diet is generally low in fat, and full of fibre, vitamins and minerals. This helps reduce the risk of obesity, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart attacks. Apart from this, it also helps to prolong the degeneration process of aging.

A plant based diet is free of cholesterol and contains phytonutrients which improve immune response. It makes you feel light and energetic.

There are no ill effects of Vegan diet. But, if you were regular with meat and dairy products in your diet and suddenly decided to turn vegan you might feel the need to increase the quantity of your food as meat and dairy products have fats and proteins which give you a full feeling. When you omit them try increasing the quantity of dals, veggies, and salads to avoid hunger pangs.

Research shows that there are potential benefits to a vegan diet. A recent study indicated that the average vegan diet is higher in vitamin C and fibre, and lower in saturated fat than one containing meat. In addition, statistics show that vegans have a lower BMI (height-to-weight ratio) than meat eaters – in other words, they are skinnier.


A vegan diet isn't inherently healthy or unhealthy - some vegans survive on chip sandwiches and doughnuts, which, although cruelty free, isn't ideal. However, most vegans of my acquaintance are very clued up about nutrition and eat far more vegetables and whole grains than the average non vegan. They have protein all handled through tofu, beans and nuts and its actually quite rare that they have nutritional deficiency - if so, supplements take care of it. Most vegansI know have tonnes of energy, good skin and many mention how "light" they felt after giving up meat. not eating dairy can also be useful for those suffering sinus problems and frequent colds because it lessens mucus production.
