Why do I need this online tool if I can do it all live with my students?
Macey Buchanan / Flickr
What added value?
Knowledge is best acquired through investigation, critical thinking and real-world application. Although this can be done in class, many students may be intimidated to voice their opinions before researching them or because they are uncertain of them and don't want to share them. The platform lets students work out their opinions before they voice them. It is a safe-zone for students who may also have very different opinions than the teacher or most of the classroom. It democratizes who participates and rewards the ability to fomulate an argument and not only the ability to ask a question in class. Overall, the quieter students and the ones who are not comfortable sharing can be better included and heard through this platform than in regular classroom discussions.
This online tool gives your students something you can't do live in class. It gives your students the chance to express their opinions and have discussions while allowing them to have the time to research and read others answers before posting answers and further comments.
Many students might lack the confidence to respond immediately back in forth in live classroom environment when they've just started learning about a topic, instead they can very much benefit from reading others opinions, doing more research and refining their own arguments.
Also, students might feel intimidated to speak up in a live class situation if they feel their opinion differs too much from the teacher or other students but an online platform can give them a easier place to write about their individual thoughts on a topic.
Live discussion has always been apart of the classroom, however so much more can be learned and debated beyond classroom time constraints.
Improveo supports your teaching and student’s learning by allowing them time for research, thought and greater insight gained through reading other students answers before they submit their own on a presented topic. Improveo is especially beneficial for students who are less likely to participate in a classroom, as the platform gives them more freedom to research and provide their answers in writing, ultimately helping to build their confidence with discussions.
Improveo is a tool that enables you to observe the answers and comments of your students, providing you with the information on how to best proceed with topic discussion.
Improveo is indispensable if your live interaction with students is limited, but it will bring great value also if you meet your students regularly.
Without Improveo you:
Last but not least, Improveo is an alternative to costly conferences and exchange programs. Test new cooperations quickly and for free. If you are happy, develop cooperation afterwards offline.
Improveo doesn't replace live interaction. Improveo makes live interaction more effective and interesting.
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