I believe people who are against migrants who have little or no experience with them, are the people who don't know enough about what is really happening, and unfortunately they are only hearing one side of the story through broken media and through word of mouth. This means they hear certain pieces of news from the media that may or may not portray the full situation as well as opinions thrown around from many different people who are ill-informed. Popular hostility toward immigrants is determined by the 'perceived' big picture, and not the truth. They also can’t be that interested in migration if they choose to be against it without really getting to learn about the issues that are happening.

Added: Jan. 5, 2018, 10:26 p.m. Last change: Jan. 5, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

Comments: 2

Sometimes it can be our stereotypical thoughts that make us think bad about the migration and migrants. Muslim, no matter what they act like, they are often referred as extremists. And Pakistan, most people refer to Afghan migrants as "kidnappers" despite of the fact that they are homeless migrants, who are dependent on the hosts.
Hafsa Iqbal 6 years, 3 months ago
I very much agree with your statements. I know several people who are opposed to migration who know literally no migrants. This seems unfair and dangerous. Inaccurate media portrayals and politician comments can lead people to believe very inaccurate things about migrants; and if people are unwilling to investigate or do any sort of research, many continue to believe this misinformation. I wish those opposed to migration would get to know a migrant before passing judgement.
Lindy Williams 6 years, 3 months ago