Can they? Sure. Christians can, as all humans, oppose or support migration however they choose. "Should they?" Is a more difficult question. Christians, by definition, are followers of Christ-based religions. Most Christ-based religions have several factors in common. Some of these factors include loving others, helping those in need, feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, loving thy neighbor, remaining unjudgemental, and extending assistance to those who need it, even those who you may not agree with or understand. By those tenants, Christians should support and assist migrants. However, in practice, it is not so cut-and-dry. Many Christians (though, certainly not all), are politically conservative, and many conservatives (though, again, certainly not all), oppose immigration and migration.

Added: Jan. 7, 2018, 7:11 p.m. Last change: Jan. 7, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

Comments: 1

Migration is not always a happy choice, sometimes circumstances lead to migration. However, I don't think that any religion could oppose migration. But it is the choice of people that how they think about a certain phenomenon.
Hafsa Iqbal 6 years, 3 months ago