The higher-raking US universities are private because of their donors, history and prestige. Private universities are typically smaller in size with only a few hundred to thousand students compared to public universities, therefore they are able to specialize or cater to a more specific demographic. The cost of tuition is higher thereby attracting higher educated teachers. The class sizes are smaller ensuring more one-on-one time between the teacher and student. The environment of the campus is typically smaller, more intimate in nature and allows for deeper connection among the faculty and students. Private universities also have more freedom over their curiculum and class schedules allowing for a more creative and intellectual culture.

Added: Jan. 28, 2018, 7:48 p.m. Last change: Jan. 28, 2018, 7:48 p.m.

Comments: 1

You answered this question very succinctly. Private universities benefit from ample funding. This funding allows for the highest level of education for students, support for faculty, and facilities for the university. All of these factors contribute to higher rankings. I appreciate your answer and agree with your statements. I wish I could have afforded to attend a private university, but public universities were expensive enough as it was.
Lindy Williams 6 years, 3 months ago