To disagree with the earlier answer, fossil fuels release nitrious oxide into the atmosphere which research suggests contributes to our damaged Ozone layer and, consequently, global warming. Consequently, by reducing the amount of fossil fuels we use in favour of renewable energy sources, we will undoutedbly reduce the rate of climate change; however, whether or not we can reverse the effects is yet to be discovered. In 2017, "more than 250 US mayors committed to procure 100% renewable energy for their cities by 2035, thereby providing a significant boost to climate action," which shows that those with authority care about renewable energy sources as a method of reducing the effects of climate change. Although, I do believe that while changing to renewable energy will benefit the environment long-term, I'm unconvinced that it will be reverse the damage that has already been done. In turn, we will also need to change the way of life for billions of people across the globe because the way we live simply isn't sustainable long-term.

Added: Feb. 2, 2018, 3:46 p.m. Last change: Feb. 2, 2018, 3:46 p.m.

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