In very basic terms the broad definition of a migrant is someone who chooses to move. A refugee however, is someone who is forced to move. Often this is due to political upheaval in their native country and refugees move to escape violence or other forms of persecution and they seek safety and protection.

Migrants are those who choose to move between countries and often plan their future. Their motivation can be personal or economic, however there are different driving factors and some are more serious than others. Often, although countries might not be under threat, there could be economic factors which essentially force migrants to make a decision to leave their homeland. Some might be educated such as teachers or doctors yet, in their own country, the financial rewards are few and keeps their standard of living relatively low. A migrant move under such circumstances would not be considered to be a forced move, but it is essential to those involved who want to maintain an acceptable quality of life.

Another form of migrant is less frequently seen but does still exist. The political migrant might wish to move due to political policies which discriminate against certain groups or political opponents. The migrant is not therefore always involved in politics but is directly affected by political policy.

Added: Jan. 9, 2018, 5:04 p.m. Last change: Jan. 9, 2018, 5:04 p.m.

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