What would happen if there were no borders?

If there were no borders, there would be erratic and unpredicted behaviours everywhere. Looking back in past, Babylon, ancient Greece, Roman Empire, feudal England and now in not so distant future, the world was always divided in countries, and every one of them had their own set of regulations, culture etc. Some of them were more similar than others, but nevertheless there were differences. If there were no borders, there would be no effective authority to ensure order and laws that are equal to all, and without unique rules for all there would be injustice, chaos, anarchy even. In the USA there are people that say they are ''citizens of the world'' and by that they are stating that no country is above them beause they are ''free'' from borders, USA politics, their laws etc. Now imagine if every person started acting chaotic, denying every rule they have been taught just because they feel like no law applies to them because they are not bound by the borders of that or any state. Living in cohezion between all the people in the world is just a fantasy because there are too many differences in cultures and people's mindsets.


It's a question that has no grounding or merit. What you mean no Eurovision Song Contest each year?! On a series not the arts and sports show that there can be positive impacts of competition - it is not I feel possible to have no borders and nationalism. Even within the current EU structure there aren't borders but an EU passport is issued in the citizen's home country and administered by that country.In many ways it is an EU passport in name only.

Once more if we consider the Tour de France, national traditions and celebrations, the many sports world cups and the Olympics...they would all be put at risk if over time no borders put namionalism at risk.

People insted should be encouraged to embrace differences in others and to seek to understand and embrace the differences between us


If borders were lifted between the countries that had and keep having international territorial disputes that would only deteriorate situation related to peace and security:once minorities of a neighbouring country would relocate to the territory of another country where they could grow without any limit,they could start demanding respective new policies regarding their native language use,representation in government structures and understanding of the local history. Therefore lifting borders between countries that have a long history of hostile relations could lead to exacerbation of the situation and is not a good idea.

On the other hand if two countries with similar level of economic development and friendly relations cancel border controls between each other, it could lead to intensification of international business between them, development of cultural relations and better prices for products and services if there is price competition. To be able to enjoy these benfits in the long-term neither of the countries should be facing problems with uncontrolled flows of migrants and refugees at any of its borders.


National borders are a relatively new construct in most of the world. African and Middle Eastern nations were mostly the result of colonial powers drawing lines on maps for example. The formation of the USSR folded many nations into one – and the demise of the USSR reinstated many nations. Italy has only been a nation in its current form since 1861. Modern Germany became a nation with reunification in 1990.

So what would happen if these modern constructs disappeared?

Are we assuming that all the existing governments would continue? In which case it is likely that (as with the mass migration to the USA) people would migrate to where they could envisage a better quality of life. If you’re hungry – to a place where there is plenty. If you’re among a persecuted minority – to a place where you would be left alone. If you’re wealth is taxed too highly – to somewhere where it’s not. The same migration patterns happen within nation states too today. They cannot happen so easily on a global scale because of national immigration laws.

But if national borders are removed, would the governance continue unchanged? If a million people from “France” walked into “Germany” how would the “German” “government” react? How would housing, taxation, education, health care, law, energy, transport etc. etc. be managed?

It would seem that without borders, nonetheless there would be “borders” based on some other tribal, shared characteristics – for example language, religion, culture, resources – and inter-tribal conflict would ensue.

So to be viable, if national borders were taken away, it would seem necessary to create a global form of government where every person becomes a “Citizen of The World” with all the freedoms and responsibilities of a nation.

But getting “there” from “here” – how long?!
