How do you convince migration supporters that migration can be bad?

The grass is always greener they say but often not. There is huge displacement in regions such as Sudan, Nothern African and the Middle East. However the footprint that these refugees/escapees/asylam seekers etc. could be a significant problem for the current generation and generations to come. They obviously increase tentions and costs for the receiving country particularly in the short term. They oftern have to overcome epic journeys which can only leave them weakened and potentially mentally scarred from the jounney. Most migration in recent years has been reactive rather than managed and planned which leave the migrant vunerable when arriving in the new country and the receiving country is often over awed with address their needs too


If you take an example of the unprecedented decisions regarding migration support taken in Germany in September 2015, there were inevitable consequences hurting German society and the pro-European politicians who took these decisions. Right wing AfD party in Germany has harshly criticized the decision about opening borders and letting new migrants freely enter the country pointing out at inability of the German state to control movements of the newly arrived migrants on the country's territories and consequent decrease in security. At the same time if migration support at the country of migrant's destination does not have any infrastructure that newly accepted migrants could use, migrants would not be able to receive any shelter and receive basic care. And in case local population has been brainwashed and warned against migrants, the newcomers might expect feeling isolated and hostile. Differences in legal standards could often not allow migrants to have their degrees and professional experience be recognized in another country. Therefore one needs to thoroughly analyze the situation related to the popular attitudes towards and the average living standards of the migrant population in one country in order to understand the living conditions and possible level of social integration that he or she could expect upon relocation.
