How can individual people reduce the effects of climate change?

I would say a very simple way for one to do so is to follow the steps of - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Waste puts up a lot of pressure on climate change effect therefore, without doing anything extremelly special, an ordinary person can reduce the amount of waste they put up in their environment and therefore release some of the restraints and let environment heal itself.


going Green to become green


The first thing an individual can do to reduce the effects of climate change and to stop it getting worst, is to realize that this Earth has to be saved by us for our next generations. The moment when the realization strikes our mind we start behaving in a changed way.

The next thing any one of us need to perform is to change our lifestyle. Our food should be environment friendly. We should grow our own food that we are going to consume. Meat should be less in quantity in our food as its production increases the emission of greenhouse gases.

We should consume energy wisely. The electronic devices e.g. fans, lights, televisions and computers should be turned off a soon as their work is done.

Public transport should be the preference while travelling to long distances as it lessens the fuel burning. For short distances we should always try to walk on our legs or to ride a bicycle.

An individual can perform his part and let others realize about their responsibilities by acting in environment friendly way.


There are three small but significant things you can do to contribute to reducing the effects of climate change. Firstly, and most importantly, you can walk the talk. In other words, be sure to recycle, minimize your waste and endeavor to use energy wisely. Secondly, talk about climate change. If a friend or family member seems to lack awareness about the impact of their activities on the environment, step right up and tell them. You can do it nicely, but people need to talk about this stuff. "Carbon footprint" needs to be acceptable dinner table conversation! Finally, you can exercise your political right to vote. Understand what the candidates you're voting for intend to enact with regards the environment and vote accordingly.


I think individual people can help in reducing the effects of climate change in many ways. Recycling waste and garbage, purchasing hybrid and climate-friendly cars, composting, reusing containers and bottles, supporting green companies, voting for climate-conscious bills and laws, taking shorter showers, and eating from environmentally-sound eateries are all just a few ways that individuals can help reduce the effects of climate change. Each person on the planet can make a few small and easy changes to help reduce their impact on the world, it just takes knowledge and a slight change to habits.
