To decrease our carbon footprint or carbon production on individual level we need to calculate our individual carbon foot. The part where we produce most carbon foot should be our area of focus.

Our food should be simple and locally grown, non-processed. In order to consume local and fresh food we need to grow it by ourselves. Our electronics should be turned off when we are done with our work. Our bulbs should be replaced by the fluorescent lights. Our machines like computers, televisions and irons should not be turned on when are not in use. Wastage of food and water should be diminished. All the waste materials should be sent to recycling companies. Public transport should be the first priority while travelling. Air travel should also be minimized.

It is important for an individual to calculate his/her own carbon footprint in order to reduce it. It specifies the part where one’s attention should be drawn in order to make the target.

Added: Feb. 5, 2018, 8:43 p.m. Last change: Feb. 5, 2018, 8:43 p.m.

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