Yes. But at the same time the EU envisaged a mandatory quota system that would force EU members to accept refugees according to a formula based on population, GDP and so on. Many EU members rejected this imposition.

Interesting article here from 2016

A few months later - see some consequences of this here when the European Court of Justice ruled that member states would be forced to accept refugees

In any case, with open borders, even if a refugee was forcibly (?) sent to Poland, say, there would be no guarantee that the refugee would stay there; instead he may just move on to where he wanted to go in the first place.

The argument within the EU continues and may lead to a split – see this very recent article

A more liberal viewpoint from 2015 is here…

And a German perspective here…

What a complex subject with so many aspects – humanitarian, political, economic, legal, national, international, social… Sometimes I’m glad I’m not a Prime Minister or President.

Added: Jan. 5, 2018, 6:51 p.m. Last change: Jan. 5, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

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