Can every course bring in something practical for life?

I think that the answer is yes. Why? Because every course has something specific to it that can be used at some point in your life. Even if you think what you are doing now, you will never use in real life, then maybe the thing you are learning is teamwork or working with a specific computer program.

To put this into contrast, some learning courses do not directly incluence and are not directly practical for real life use, but it comes a time where you use the extra things that you've learned and when you put them all, it will all make sense.


Not every course brings in something practical for life. Take, for example, curriculum in marxism-leninism that was on the agenda of all university departments in the former Soviet Union. Those courses were created to convince people that communism and socialism are the best systems in the world and to contrast it with capitalism so as to create respective negative attitudes and ensure that Soviet population fully supports existing regime. Not only did these courses not bring anything practical, they were harmful for critical thinking as they required students to learn dominant political discourses without any critical thinking, accept it as something so natural as for instance Newton laws, and thus potentially become easily manipulated and misled by their respective governments. That is why nowadays it is of particular importance that people who studied marxism-leninism in the past take media literacy or critical thinking courses and learn how to filter every peace of information, how to distinguish propaganda and even how to promote media freedom.


I believe so, yes. Now I think it is obvious that some courses focus more intensively on “practical” skills than others. A course in recordkeeping or winemaking for example is inherently practical. It imparts skills which are specifically intended to achieve a practical result. However, I’d contend that abstract and theoretical pursuits have rich potential to yield practical insights into how the world works. After all, how we humans think has a profound impact on the world around us. The way we conceptualize the world around becomes the foundation for how we behave and act. Our thoughts guide our actions. Our concepts shape our senses. Our philosophies and ethics provide a way for assessing what is right and wrong. You can’t get much more practical than that!
