How can the study of philosophy help you in your life and career?

Study of philosophy is actually the study of reason. It never gives us answers but let those answers to be produced in our own minds through logical reasoning. Philosophy changes our ways of thinking. Philosophy deals with most basic questions and make the things clearer than before. All of this is done by improving the critical thinking and reasoning. Philosophy makes its students to think clear, speak clear and write clearer. Our understanding of ourselves and the world around us is shaped by our thoughts. Philosophy does not only increase the logical reasoning but also provides knowledge on natural sciences and the concepts in order to bring some valid reasons into the light. Philosophy prepares its students to study and learn anything whenever they want, rather than producing only philosophy graduates. The best example of philosophy's student, who became a successful man, is Asia’s most prominent poet of last century: Allama Muhammad Iqbal. He completed his master’s degree in philosophy and then perused his Law degree and appeared as a successful lawyer and the most celebrated poet. Even after eighty years of his death his poetry transcends the time and space. This is all possible through the best reasoning done by him, with help of education of philosophy.


Philosophy at heart is about learning to think critically. A trained philosopher has a mindset which allows them to see behind the superficial to understand the deeper causes and implications of life. Furthermore, the study of philosophy provides solid preparation for other fields of study, such as law, medicine, business or even computer science. Logic underpins each of these disciplines and logic is at the heart of philosophical inquiry. Philosophy is a perfect “crossover” discipline, drawing from both language and verbal skills as well as mathematical skills. This provides a unique combination of proficiencies that is useful in almost any field of endeavor.
