Software could be one option, outsourcing another option.

I guess schools don't understand so well about process analysis to see what could be allocated on a per task basis. They could even offer work at low pay rates to mothers in their community who are looking for experience to bridge the move back to work.

Software has streamlined generic and common tasks in other industries and it would be unusual if the forces of commerce didn't bring such advancements to Education. Head masters and mistesses should be more savvy to the options open to them too in the wider context - Accounting Software for automating wages processing, producing MI speedily and with low human involement, automoating Social Media postings, HR maintenance functions such as holiday booking and sick form processing pushed down to the individual as goes on in business. Packages such as SAP have always had this functionality and then there's the new wave such as this..

Added: Jan. 13, 2018, 11:01 a.m. Last change: Jan. 31, 2018, 2:10 p.m.

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