To know this you would also need to know statistically how many migrants they did take and the exact circumstamces of their coming to Germany.

It's not impossible that the collective will of Europe could have resulted in them being deported or for diplomacy with the migrants to result in additional processes to ensure that the number of people making such a move was reduced significantly.

It doesn't for example solve the problems that started the migrant movements and you would have to question the effectivness of aid spend..Great Britain for example has ringfenced a significant proportion of GDP to send to 'third world' states...phraseology such as this too has been called into question when recent statistics revealed that life expectancy is greater in Vietnem than in parts of Glasgow...

Added: Jan. 13, 2018, 9:21 a.m. Last change: Jan. 31, 2018, 1:55 p.m.

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