What are the biggest leadership challenges?

There are broadly two major categories on which leadership faces challenges. They are:

  • Trustworthiness
  • Attribution

Trust is merely a psychological contract that influences a person (a follower in this situation) to make themselves vulnerable to another on the premise of having strong positive expectations from another person (in this case, a leader). Trust is one of the most important aspects associated with leadership and trust propensity defines how likely any follower is to trust a leader. This premise of trust can be formed on the basis of three characteristics:

  • Integrity, the tendency to act with honesty and truthfulness
  • Benevolence, the tendency of a person to act in the best interests of others (or everyone) even when they aren’t in alignment with the leader’s own interests
  • Ability, the interpersonal and technical knowledge and skills of the leader

Leadership can take a high toll when employees find that this psychological contract with their leader is broken in terms of integrity or benevolence or ability or all of these. On the other hand, a strongly established trust can encourage employees to take risks, be more productive and effective and facilitate information sharing.

A Longitudinal Study published in the Academy of Management Journal suggested that the performance of organisations led to a perceived notion of charisma and leadership in the leaders. This sums up in short the role of attribution in the challenges of a leader.


I think the biggest challenge that leaders can have is related to decision making. Difficult decisions often cause resentment and clashes of interest/goals. Possible attacks and pressure leader has to handle can be toughest one.

If we are talking about leaders of civil society organizations specifically, then they can have problems with politicians who either don't cooperate, completely ignore problems of civil society or their corrupt manners can show up.

Also, problems with self-interest can arouse. Better yet, self-interest of his/her family, friends, former business associates... If leader is weaker he/she can give in the pressure and make decision that will be harmful for him/her and whole society/organization.


The biggest challenges will surely not relate to the biggest tasks. In my opinion, it is the biggest challenge to lead the whole team to work together as an executive organism, and each part of it works exactly as it does. This is because it depends on every part of this „living organism“ - if it does not work properly, of course it will affect others in the collective. It is therefore extremely important for the leader to create an accurate analysis at the outset with whom and on what basis they will work together. It depends very much on his judgment, what kind of people and what types of people he chooses for his team. Alternatively, if a group of unknown people is assigned, it is up to him to choose the management strategy as quickly and accurately as possible. It is an extremely responsible work that certainly requires a high resistance to stress. They have to put together a comprehensive plan and count on all the variants that can be happened. And this complex and analytical thinking, plus the ability to lead people to the best result, is, in my opinion, the biggest challenge.


I think leadership’s biggest challenges are to maintain followers, their respect and their loyalty. A leader has to always be on it’s toes to make sure to keep the followers. This leads to another big challenge which is the responsibility and the decision making. Leaders are responsible for their followers and their actions so a leader needs to make sure that the followers know what they are doing, otherwise it is the leader’s responsibility. Also, leader’s need to make a lot of important decisions that have big consequences and it is a challenge to lead with that pressure and to keep a clear head to make the best decision possible that will keep the negative consequences to a minimum.


• Developing the relevant skills among individuals within a group to raise the effectiveness of the team is a daunting task for leaders. Skills such as time management and decision making require developing in order to keep • Improving the effectiveness of the team. Inspiring others to keep pushing their limits and motivating them to work smarter. • Character development among their team is challenging for any leader. This is done by mentoring and coaching employees to ensure that everyone grows skills wise and no one is left behind. • Team building, management, and development require a leader to know when to provide support, lead from the front or provide a shoulder to lean on. • Embracing and guiding the team through changes. Changes are inevitable and leaders bear the burden of understanding and leading the change. This includes dealing with individual reactions to the changes. • Managing internal affairs within an organization, this means aligning the affairs of different departments and gaining managerial support.


For me, is to get everyone have the same goals and contribute to reach them. A leader can be seen as the captain of the ship. You have to convince the crews that you have a precise destination and a plan to get there. When they're agree to board your ship, they have certain roles and responsibilities to take. In the journey, you'll have storms and other obstacles. When you have a solid team and you're able to drive them, your ship will remain strong and reach the destination. It's the same with leadership. You come across different types of people and you have to make them to have the same goals at work. Most of the times, there are corrupted members who will poison the minds of the on-board crews. As a leader, it is your job to remind the crews about their reason of being and strengthen the bonds. It's maybe hard to have a balance professional and personal relationships between the leader and his/her members, but it's the art of leadership.


the biggest challenges are

Adjusting to the role First time managers often find it difficult to adapt to taking ownership of their role. It can be particularly difficult managing those who you’re used to working closely with and perhaps have personal relationships with. It’s important to keep these personal relationships separate from workplace practices. You can do this by positioning yourself as an approachable and supportive manager and ensuring that the tough conversations still take place. Remember that giving constructive feedback shouldn’t be seen negatively, but instead be seen as a way that you can help your team perform at their full potential.

Not giving enough guidance Whilst over managing people and not providing the space to work can be an issue, the other end of the spectrum is not giving people enough input or guidance. Much as your team likely know what they are working on, as manager it’s up to you to ensure everyone is fully aware of what’s expected of them and how their work aligns and contributes to the wider company goals. If managers are unable to communicate clear guidelines and expectations for their team members, they will of course be unable to take ownership of their work and ultimately less productive. They will also have less motivation and drive to work towards their goals if they are unaware of the impact their work has on the company.
