Not everyone can be a leader. Respectively, everyone can become a leader, but not everyone is good. It is essential for leadership to have certain prerequisites - among other things to be an extrovert type, to be eloquent, convincing, able to listen and, above all, to make quick and effective choices. I know many people who could not be the leaders in the companies. They are unable to communicate and formulate their opinion and prefer to wait for the opinion of the others. Some would be unlucky leaders, typically introverted individuals who do not like joining the team. In my opinion, the leader should certainly primarily like to work with people and communicate well – I am not able to imagine the position of the leader without these properties.

The truth is that sometimes life forces us to become leaders - in our family, for example. But even this may not be natural to us, and there is often a very different approach between the parents, the children both perceive very differently. They always choose one of them as a leader - as a leader, whose word is always true. Maybe it's a silly comparison, but just as always a newly arrived dog to a family chooses his master, hence the leader. Intuitively they can sense who is the one who can lead the group. Likewise, people will sense who has such a great charisma and be a leader. If anyone who does not have enough self-confidence or fervor for the thing becomes a leader, people will not follow him. Apparently, therefore, the right leader can not become anyone who thinks of it.

Added: Aug. 27, 2018, 2:52 p.m. Last change: Aug. 27, 2018, 2:52 p.m.

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