Does leadership improve societies?

Without a doubt, a selfless, motivational and good leader can have a crucial role for the improvement of a society. His/hers example may start a process of transformaion of the way of thinking, the attitude towards particular subject or even the policies of a country. In times when endless sources of information are available, it is more and more important for the people to have real individuals who to follow.
However, being an example comes with a lot of responsibilities since leaders are supposed not only to be the forerunner but also to estimate how his actions reflect the society. Simply said - the good model of behaviour provokes improvement and even better behaviour.


Leadership is a powerful tool capable of improving society in a great measure, but it can regress one too. It all depends on leader and his/her aspirations. Throughout history there are various examples how people whose intentions are honest can bring a lot of good in society and change people's lives for better not years, but decades in the future. Some of them are Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Nelson Mandela etc. On the other side we can mention Osama bin Laden, one of the people whose leadership is associated with destruction and ill-intented aspirations. In general, I believe that leadership does improve societies, but it is potential atribute for bad thing as well.


It depends. The quality of the leader can make or break the society. A bad leader will most likely bring the society down, people will be unhappy and most likely the society itself won’t be good because if people aren’t happy then they aren’t prosperous. If the leader is good then it can improve society a lot. A good leader would bring its people close and unite them, the people would be happy and prosperous and have their problems and ideas listened to. Society depends on its people, if the leader is good for the people and cares for them then having a leader would most likely improve the society, if not, not only it wouldn’t improve the society but it would probably bring it down a lot and maybe even destroy it.


Leadership not only improves societies but also acts as a profound source of development at any scale- large or small. A close look at all the transformational changes in history for the betterment of any society, social or economical group, country, tells us that social transformation happens through leadership.

Most often, the path set by leaders towards a transformational goal prove really helpful in directing development. This path provides followers with all the necessary information, support and other resources necessary to achieve their goals. That said, context is a huge driving factor for the success of any leadership towards directive development and improvement. And this in turn accounts for the differences in leadership styles and their effectiveness across countries and cultures.

Differentiated leadership strategies over the decade have proved effective in terms of bringing about development and improvements in different ways, be it economically, socially or morally for different societies. For instance if we are to consider education reforms there is always a list of visionaries and reformers we can identify with respect to driving and leading such changes.The same applies to economic reforms as well. We can different schools of thoughts around each of these domains which prove the eminence in leadership across these domains.


So much will depend on whether the leadership is good or bad. When corrupt and self-serving, then whatever leadership there is will focus purely on individual goals such as power and money with little or no regard for the people these leaders are supposed to represent and serve. How often have we seen this engender a level of discontent that leads to rioting or even civil war, driven by the desire for ultimate power?

Not everyone wants to be a leader and good leadership is undoubtedly of huge benefit to society. Having a figure-head who is respected and admired will encourage people to follow their lead and support them in their endeavours. This provides cohesion and a general sense of contentment which leads to greater productivity and a greater feeling of overall well-being.


I must say depends on what type of leader we have. When we have someone who practice dictatorship and only think of one’s self, leadership will worsen the society. But when you are led by someone who is truly inspiring, have certain goals, and can make you believe in them, yes, it can improve the society. People will feel safer and more secure because they don’t have to worry about what happen to their country. They can live day by day with a peaceful heart, and support their leader to reach the common goals. They have someone to look upon to. Society with no leadership only brings chaos because everyone only thinks about what they need to live and doesn’t care about other people or anything else. They simply just survive.
