How can leadership improve civil society?

Proper leadership can improve civil society in every aspect. Civil society is flexible for change, but also very strong when it comes to enforcing their own good. So if the leader steps up in front that society and proves to them that his intentions and plans for the society are realistic and honest, they will support him and help him bring that plans and ideas to light. Society, no matter how rich or poor, is the strongest when there is community in it, and community and social relationships are faster developed when there is hope for better future, and with the right approach, leaders can wake that sensation in society up.


Society needs rules and for people to be united to work and to be healthy. A good leader is able to bring everyone together, make everyone care for each other and promote solidarity between the more fortunate to help the less fortunate. A good leader also makes rules to make the society work as best as possible, not only a good leader makes the rules but is also able to make his followers respect and follow the rules which will greatly help to have a functional and healthy society.
