Can there be multiple leaders without organizational conflicts?

This is a tough one for me. Part of me believes there can be multiple leaders, with respect and politeness it is possible. On the other hand, conflict and greed is part of human nature so I have trouble imagining an organization where there are multiple leaders and they all respect each other and don’t try to top each other. Also, to be possible to have multiple leaders without conflict, their goals for the organization need to always be the same, if they differ there will be conflict. After years, it is very unlikely for the different leaders to still have the same goals for the organization. So I can’t really say yes or no here, I wouldn’t say it is impossible but it is definitely hard and unlikely to happen.


This could be achievable, but, I would imagine that it is rare. So much depends on personalities, competencies and individual ambition. Where there is mutual respect amongst the leaders and each has a defined role, perhaps it would be possible to avoid organizational conflicts. But, with the arrival of a new leader, the dynamic changes immediately and a new individual with a separate or different agenda could easily upset the balance leading to inevitable conflict within the workplace.

In all likelihood, the leaders have reached their position through hard work, ambition and exemplary skills in their chosen field. The potential for a clash with other similarly driven and experienced professionals is high.


Yes, as long as they have their area of authority declared and agreed upon. A big organization needs leaders in different fields, such as marketing, public relations, HRD, and many more, because having only one leader to take care all of the aspect in a big business is overwhelming. They will answer to the executive leader which is the CEO, who will delegate the task to all departments. Conflicts cannot be avoided when there are problems implicating two or more areas, but with having the same vision and goals and the help from the executive leaders, nothing can’t be resolved.


Conflicts might arise more when the leaders’ organisational vision and philosophies don’t match and seldom when their working philosophies are different. For instance, if leader A focuses primarily on a very inclusive team and leader B focuses on authority, chances are there are not strongly defined structures that lead to the organisation’s culture. The reason that such wide differences exist in leadership especially at the same leadership level fundamentally mean that the leadership selection process has missed out on a huge cultural aspect that reflects the mission and vision of the organisation. However, there can be two different leaders in the same organisation who focus majorly on inclusion but one of them micromanages and the other strongly emphasises on autonomy and gives all their followers their own space to work. In such cases there could be tensions within the team with respect to a few members from one team liking the other team and vice versa. For instance, someone in the team of the micromanaging leader could feel like they don’t have their own space to breathe and at the same time someone in the team of the autonomous leader could feel like they lack the kind of support the other team receives.


With the right divison of chores and tasks it is possible, but in long term it it's unlikely that there would not be any conflicts at all. For example, if every leader conducts different area of business and he does it succesfully, there should be no problem, but eventually there will always be some things that they will need to work out together,as a team, through agreement. Only in that moment they can confirm that they are all equal leaders capable of agreeing with each other or there would be a conflict because of different opinions.


Yes, certainly some leaders can exist and work together. But it would be best to work in a way where each of them will deal with something a little different. I mean, for example, another branch of the company. They can work side by side, but they do not exactly do the same job. If they were to work on a joint project, the partial tasks and focus of each of them should also be firmly set so that none of the leaders feel that the other takes the job. Surely it is about working with the Aegean, the Leaders should be humble and friendly towards each other in this respect. So I think that the Leaders can exist side by side, but only under certain clearly defined conditions between them.
