This is a challenge for all leaders. To lead without losing your head. When you become a leader, there are people who look upon you, who inspired by you, who showering you with big words. This could easily get into every leader’s head, thinking that s/he is the greatest or the smartest. If our own vanity is the reason to lead, we won’t get very far because proud is not a good character in a leader. It’s lack of appreciation for other people hard work and so full of ourselves. So, yes, it’s connected, without the need to strengthen the bond. Feeling good about yourself is fine, but feeling to be the greatest is catastrophic.

Added: Aug. 29, 2018, 6:35 a.m. Last change: Aug. 29, 2018, 6:35 a.m.

Comments: 1

Yes, it is really easy to "fly away" on leader's position. Especially if it's a good leader who other people look upon and who accomplished great things in society. However, if primarily cause of being a leader is public interest, there is a less chance that leader would be carried away by vanity.
profile photo Marja Radić 5 years, 8 months ago