What have you learned about leadership in your experience?

The most important lesson I've learned from my leadership is not to drop down the guard when everything looks well. When your organization runs smoothly and you have people to delegate the tasks, you have to keep alarmed and monitor what happens. It will take you a lifetime to build a company/organization and in a second everything that you have fought for is gone because of a mischievous employee.

Highlighted by [email protected]
on Jan. 12, 2019, 2:10 p.m.
  1. Being inspirational. I've noticed that when I am passionate over something, I tend to inspire my followers to also be passionate about the same thing. When all of us work at the same direction and the same heart and mindset, the work goes much better than it would normally do.
  2. Never stop learning. Having to once in a while admit that there is a better way and to learn new methodologies of doing stuff gives me an advantage as a leader to promote new ideas, new rules and thus embrace the inner student in myself by also giving this type of energy to my followes.
  3. Do not self center. I found that making everything about the people I work for and with makes the work much better and more binding rather than self-centering and making everything about myself. Giving the attention to others is a key to success to being a leader.
Highlighted by [email protected]
on Jan. 12, 2019, 3:14 p.m.

That leadership isn’t the recipe for happiness and that it is possible for someone to feel fulfilled without ever being a leader. Being a leader is seen as being in the top of the organizations which has a lot of pros and cons. Most people want to lead and be on top and have all the benefits that come with it and accepting the cons that come from it but some people don’t want that, the cons outweigh the pros and they don’t care for being leaders. Just because someone is a leader doesn’t mean that person is happy or fulfilled; leadership is something not everyone desires.

Highlighted by [email protected]
on Jan. 12, 2019, 2:21 p.m.

In the same way that one might say "I will never do (or) I will do what my parents did" over the years of one's working career, one will have the opportunity to work for good and bad leaders. Both experiences can be good. With the bad boss (or leader), you are intent on ensuring that you never behave in the same way. All the things that they have done which undermine their staff and destroy any motivation are the things, if you are sensible, that you will avoid.
Similarly, working for someone who is inspirational, is an opportunity to learn and grow yourself as a leader. So, you can cherry-pick the good and the bad and use this as the template on which you will base your own style of leadership. Perhaps the most important thing I have learned is to listen. You will learn from your colleagues, from your staff, from your superiors and from your juniors. This will help you to keep your finger on the pulse when any changes in the organisation are looming and to know your staff well so that you can get the best from them.

Highlighted by [email protected]
on Jan. 12, 2019, 2:29 p.m.

In my experience, leadership, if done properly, can be a powerful tool to really make a difference in a good way in your life, but in the life of followers also. First of all, trust and consensus are very important if leading long-term is your goal. Your goals and missions should be very clear to you and to your followers, but every suggestion on how to achieve those goals shoud be welcomed. Always improve yourselves, nobody knows everything and can do everything, but to educate yoursef and keep being hungry for learning new stuff in order to be a better leader is very important.

Highlighted by [email protected]
on Jan. 12, 2019, 2:47 p.m.

The most useful things I have learned are:

Patience - above all. I have never had great patience, but if you want to deal with people and clients and need to get them on your side, there is no other way than to remain patient and not distressed.

Never stop learning new stuff - very important. You should never freeze in one place and remain standing. If you want others toevolve themselves, you have to be an example and constantly envolve yourself.

Do not be bigheaded - the art of recognizing the mistake is not everyone's own, but believe that leadership is very appropriate if you can accept criticism and really evaluate your results and behavior.

Do not leave the work for later - it is always the best to do the job right now and do not give anything away, you never know what tomorrow brings and if you do not have more work.

Highlighted by [email protected]
on Jan. 12, 2019, 2:48 p.m.

From my experience, I have seen that leadership is a very contextual process. The team I lead now gives me a completely different experience and learning journey from the teams I have led in the past. There is no journey of leadership which had the same challenges and experiences as another despite the natures of the roles. Summing up, I would say the two important learnings I have had about leadership are:

  1. It is contextual. Be willing to adapt with respect to the context of leadership- what works in one context may not work in another.
  2. Understand the audience: Ensure that you are addressing your audience (followers) in all your actions and moves, making sure that it is something that is desirable for the team.
Highlighted by [email protected]
on Jan. 12, 2019, 2:33 p.m.

One of the most important lessons that I have learned is always to search balance between my ideas and these of the others despite the difficulties. It requires knowledge, experience and a lot of ideas to support your team even when you have your own moment of hesitation. Also, I am trying to change my attitude towards the mistakes I make. It does not mean to be overconfident and make the same mistakes but to accept some failures calmly. What else is that I don't need to hide my emotional reactions all the time - the leader has its own fears and joys which do not make him or her weaker. On the contrary, you demonstrate strength when you show emotions when the situation allows it, of course.

Highlighted by [email protected]
on Jan. 12, 2019, 2:37 p.m.

it's difficult and it's really important to do everything well

Highlighted by [email protected]
on Jan. 12, 2019, 2:40 p.m.

I learnt that it is very holistic social activity. It's about the right people wanting to do their right things. All of us have needs and dreams and wish to meet them in a natural and satisfactory way. Leadership is helping others to be their better selves more effectively and without unnecessary friction.

It is important to

  • demonstrate on our own example that there is a good way to go which will be beneficial for others
  • choose wisely. Not everyone is fit for every task and having a strong urge to self-improve
  • do more than others and support them
  • be clear and have a transparent organization
  • not tolerate lies and easygoers taking more than what they bring
  • always look on the bright side of life :)
Highlighted by [email protected]
on Jan. 12, 2019, 3:15 p.m.