In 2014 Minister of the Environment Maciej Grabowski strongly denied that there were any plans to sell off state forests, insisting that they were well managed and brought 'vast profits' in state hands. Rumours may have been triggered by the drafting of a law requiring the State Forests to contribute 800 million zloty (191.4 million euro) per year to the budget in both 2014 and 2015.

More recently large scale logging in Bialowieza forest has triggered protests and suspicions that the tree felling is influenced by vested logging interests rather than the needs of the 9,000 year old forest.

Nevertheless the vast majority of Poland's forests remain state owned and any percentage increase in private forest ownership is influenced far more by private landowners reforesting land than buying it from the state.

Added: May 8, 2017, 12:30 p.m. Last change: May 8, 2017, 12:30 p.m.

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