In short yes. I think it is completely fair to say that generation Y is addicted to the use of technology in their every day lives. Every aspect of day to day life can be brought back to the mobile phone - whether it is for work, social media or even excercising. There's an app for everything.

As the first generation to grow up with technology improving and becoming a staple in every aspect of life, it's no wonder generation Y have become inseperable from technology though. I'm 25, and so it was only in secondary school that technology started to take hold in my life - with occasional lessons on computers, a basic Nokia10 which couldn't access the internet, and sharing one computer between the family. But now - we're at a stage where we cannot live without technology. McDonalds has installed tablets for kids to play on whilst they eat. Paperback books just aren't as convenient as a Kindle. Paying for a chocolate bar by tapping Apple Pay on my phone is so much quicker than grabbing a pound coin out my purse.

Yes, generation Y is addicted. But no, it's not really their fault - it is just how society has changed.

Added: April 26, 2017, 6:31 p.m. Last change: April 26, 2017, 6:31 p.m.

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