Would stricter gun regulations decrease the number of violence crimes committed in the USA?

Gun control will not stop evil people with evil intention from hurting other people, rather gun control takes normal peoples gun away. Criminals do not get their guns the legal way, mentally ill people do, but we can stop the mentally ill people from getting guns. I would rather be shot than run over with a vehicle, or blown up with a homemade bomb, or have my throat slit with a knife, or be butchered. What do you do about all those? Ban cars, knives, and materials used to make homemade bombs? I agree with you that are TV shows have a lot to do with the violence, and if we could get all these videos and shows off the air that teach people and plant ideas in people's heads maybe it would not be so bad in America. We certainly should not be letting young people watch these shows, but we do so we do not have to tend to them. TV in the US is a babysitter, and what a horrible babysitter TV is.


I think it will be a strict rule because there are a lot of shootings around the USA and schools that is filled with children. I think we should all be safe and be careful about weapons and threats that is going on.


I believe that stricter gun regulations would certainly decrease the number of gun crimes in America drastically - but that is not to say it would decrease the number of violent crimes. As the law stands, virtually any citizen has the right to carry a gun on them. This means in the heat of the moment, it is surely too easy to grab for the lethal weapon which can seriously injure if not kill an individual. However, if gun laws were regulated in the first place, then more often than not, in the heat of the moment an individual would not have a gun to turn to. But just because there is no gun to turn to, this surely doesn't mean that a violent crime would not take place - just a different sort of crime, and perhaps less lethal! Stricter gun laws are certainly the way to go for America to increase the disgraceful number of gun crimes in the county, but it's not necessarily going to reduce the number of violent crimes on the whole - as something, physical fighting or other weapons such as knives - might replace the lethal gun.


When the American Constitution was written and a part was included about the right to bear arms, the founders were envisaging those weapons that they had at the time. It's unlikely that they werre envisaging the need for people to wander around with assault rifles, which is how some like to exercise their Constitutional rights. Meanwhile in Canada, 22% of the population own a gun, compared to 36% in America. A 2012 report states that there were 8,813 gun killings that year in America. The Canadian figure was 172. America's population is around 9 times Canada's, but the rate of gun killings is more than 50 times.This could represent more accurate marksmanship by American citizens, but it's equally possible that reasons for the disparity are more complex. Even if a campaign against the gun lobby were to succeed in restricting access to certain gun and ammo types, there's nothing to demonstrate that such a move would reduce violent crimes overall. The desire to kill can be realised with any number of tools. A gun just makes it easier to act on impulse


I believe so. Stricter gun control would certainly decrease the number of deaths and injuries from guns. You can’t shoot someone if you can’t get hold of a gun. In countries where guns are almost totally illegal, such as Japan, gun fatalities are virtually unheard of. In countries where gun licenses are given out but you have to prove why you need one - and the answer can’t be “for protection” - like Australia, the rate of gun fatalities is much lower than the USA, which has looser laws. Australia tightened its gun law to include this stipulation in 1996 and the next year the rate of deaths dropped by 56%. Here in the UK it is very rare for anyone to have a gun. Sometimes here in London you see a police officer who is part of special protection team, for example around the foreign embassies carrying a gun in a holster and it is so unusual I can’t help staring at it and feeling a bit frightened. And then I look away because I don’t want the officer to think I am staring at them in a hostile fashion and threaten me with the gun! Obviously that is unlikely but it feels like people with guns can be unpredictable and feel more powerful. I get this impression not just from American TV shows but the news as well.

Highlighted by [email protected]
on April 28, 2017, 9:29 p.m.