Trump's proposed wall is the physical manifestation of something that's already apparent: his fear and suspicion of non-white people. The wall would cost billions, and there's been no way established yet to pay for its construction. If it is built, Mexicans have options. They could climb over it. Tunnel under it. Pole vault over the top. Use a grenade to blow a hole in it. And all of this, by the way, ignores the fact that most Mexicans come into America in a planes that fly comfortably above the height of any wall. But in practice, Trump doesn't need a wall to deter Mexicans. His toxic comments on Twitter and rallies have succeeded in reducing Mexican migration anyway. It's estimated that tourism from Mexico to America will reduce by $1.1 bn in 2017, and $1.6 bn in 2018. Hatecrimes against Mexicans have increased since Trump started using terms like 'wetback' in his speeches. The effect of all that on illegal immigrants? "We're experiencing a net outflow of illegal, undocumented workers from America back to Mexico," U.S. Rep. Ron Kind, D-La Crosse, said Feb. 16, 2017 on Wisconsin Public Radio. "To build a wall now would be locking them in this country."

Added: April 29, 2017, 7:23 a.m. Last change: April 29, 2017, 7:23 a.m.

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