The Highest Tuition Fees for a four-year degree are around $60000 per year while the lowest can be around $15000. These ranges are for students from out-of-state and international students. For students from within the state, Tuition Fees are around $6000-$8000.

Average costs for (Out-of-State) students at institutions receiving funding from the U.S. Government for Tuition and Required Fees towards a 4-year degree are $18,415 at public institutions. At Private non-profit institutions receiving the funding from the government, Average Tuition and Required Fees towards a 4-year degree are $27,260. At Private for-profit institutions, the average cost was $16,011. The institutions that receive funding from the U.S. Government are known as Title IV institutions.

Including ‘Books and Supplies’, ‘Room and Board (On Campus), other expenses (laundry, transportation and entertainment), the total costs per year for a 4-year degree at Public Institutions were an average of $32845 per year. The total costs per year for a 4-year degree at Private Non-Profit Institutions were an average of $41440. At Private For-Profit Institutions, the average total costs were $31508.

Added: Jan. 22, 2018, 7:20 a.m. Last change: Jan. 22, 2018, 7:23 a.m.

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