Yes, to some extent, I believe so. But not without action and change. I hope that we haven't done irreparable damage to our planet, but hoping is not enough to stop climate change. We must make concrete changes to stop the damage we've done. This includes recycling, cleaning up our oceans, reducing carbon footprints, cycling out fossil fuels, preserving our rainforests, and more. I think the most critical step is this: we, especially our world leaders, need to stop arguing about whether or not climate change is real, and begin working to stop it. Every leading scientist in the world agrees that climate change is real and they have the temperature data to prove it. We need to stop wasting our time arguing and spend it cleaning up, reusing, recycling, and make positive changes for future generations.

Added: Jan. 15, 2018, 6:30 a.m. Last change: Jan. 15, 2018, 6:30 a.m.

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