While postgraduate studies undoubtedly equipped me with a better capacity to earn money, I'd have to say that the best thing I acquired from a university education occurred during my first year of an undergraduate humanities degree. I was required to undertake a compulsory research unit. Essentially this short course focused on equipping students with the skills to identify a research question and then to hunt for the data required to answer it. In my naivety, I thought I knew everything there was to know about research. I was wrong. To this day, any time I need to learn something new I feel I have a structured, organized and effective way of breaking down the question and finding the answers I need. So, good old fashioned research skills! That has to be the best thing a university education gave me.

Added: Feb. 2, 2018, 5:58 p.m. Last change: Feb. 2, 2018, 5:58 p.m.

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