This can be explained by the relationship expressed in a leader- follower continuum. Imagine there is an infinite number of leaders who have infinite number of followers. Now what if we are taking into assumption that all the followers are leaders as well? In that case, just like the infinite Hotel Room Paradox, this can be explained by giving all these infinite number of followers represented by the letter ’n’ each, one follower each who can be represented by the letter ‘n+1’ and so on. However, a simpler solution to this solution can be all these infinite number of leaders and followers are leaders and followers of each other. It’s simple. All leaders aren’t subject experts in all matters and there are grey areas to deal with which these leaders would have to seek the help of other leaders who are experts in those areas, thereby being a follower of some leader. The same way, other leaders could look up to this leader in terms of their expertise in their field.

Added: Aug. 31, 2018, 9:05 a.m. Last change: Aug. 31, 2018, 9:05 a.m.

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