How do we deal with bossy leaders?

With a clear mind and logic thinking. Bossy leaders can be a good motivation to give the best in the work results, but only when they play fair. They almost never give compliments, and when they do, it means our work is more than satisfactory. However, if they're included in picking holes bosses, you have to bring out the facts and good reasoning to back up your opinion.


A lot depends on the "calibre" of the bossy leader. If this is someone who is exceptionally good at what they do and extraordinarily knowledgeable in their particular field, then it is perhaps easier to stomach working for / with someone who is seen to be bossy.

If, on the other hand, they are mediocre or inept at what they do, it is undoubtedly more difficult to put up with their bossiness which, due to their lack of expertise, may prove to be detrimental to the company's wellbeing and your career in the long run.

Whichever category they fall into, this is always going to be one of the less appealing aspects of your work environment. If they fall into the former category, then on the rare occasions that they do praise you for doing something well, it will mean a great deal. The likelihood of the inept but bossy leader ever acknowledging that something has been well done is slim to nil as this has the potential to show up their own inadequacies.

Although it is hard, you must remember always to be polite and professional in your dealings with either camp, (count to 10 if you have to) because ultimately, they can make or break your career within the company.


In my opinion, the only way to deal with the bossy leaders is the way of communication. Certainly, you need to behave correctly, unattractive, but confident enough. It is also necessary to perform your work as efficiently and correctly as possible and to be responsible for your work. If you hand in some work, you have to stand by your opinion and do not be afraid to defend it. On the other hand, constructive criticism must be taken if it is justified and not be affected. If we do not agree with anything, it is definitely not a matter of talking about the matter directly and flatly, without emotions. Unfortunately, not all bosses are leaders, and not all bosses are correct and fair enough.


There is nothing that a person can do to change a bossy leader into a good leader. So we just have to a lot of patience and motivation to not let the boss’s attitude bring us down. It is important to remember that when it comes to a bossy leader, it is nothing personal against us, they are like that to everyone, so there is no point in overthinking about it. So the best way to the deal with that situation is to just focus on work and our tasks, never try to be friends with the leader, be clear, concise, never make promises that we can’t deliver and do everything to keep his objections to a minimum.


Dealing with bossy leaders can at times get difficult, especially if these leaders operate at a transactional level.

Broadly, one way of categorising the different leadership styles across cultures and organisations is into transactional and transformational leaders. Since transactional leaders tend to focus on management by exception (watching and intervening in situations of deviations from rules and standards) it could become very overbearing for a team of followers at some point. Contingent rewards such leaders deploy to boost motivation in the team could turn toxic after a while for team members owing to the bossiness. With transformational leaders however, idealised influence, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation and individualised consideration collectively act together to muffle any blow that their bossiness could cause.

One solution in the case of transformational leaders however is to acknowledge their style and identify to work together in ways which doesn't get toxic for the follower or the leader.


Bossy leaders can be rough to work with, but not necessary. Patience to put up with every day ''do this, must do that'' can be hard, but with the patience to endure it, right communication skills and confidence high enough to make your point when you feel you are right, coping with the bossy leaders could be easier. When boss gives you an order, you should do it first couple of times, then slowly, after you did what you were told, you should suggest some idea for the next assignment. It might be a good idea, but if not, leader who does not accept anybody's ideas is not much of a leader anyway.
