If we talk about financial compensation, let's say it flat. Finance is always a very strong motivation and few people want to work for free. And being a leader is a very busy job that certainly deserves compensation.

However, there is certainly other motivation than just the financial side of the thing. If we disregard finance, the motivation can be, for example, a feeling of self-realization, the acquisition of new experience, or the ability to convey to others a certain "message", know-how or knowledge. Primarily, these reasons should be sour motivation, because without a certain fervor and interest in the thing we cannot certainly be good leaders. A good leader will not be certainly a man who sees only profits behind the leadership. Finance should be motivation, but not the main thing, it should be a reward for our time and effort that we devote to our work.

Added: Sept. 2, 2018, 5:19 p.m. Last change: Sept. 2, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

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